It's Raining Again
It’s raining today—one of those skies-open-up, pouring, beating down rains. I love it. As I look out the window, a sheet of water pours past my window. I hear the rain beating against my son’s window upstairs through the baby monitor. The waters of the river are rising, the world is being washed anew.
I love the rain. I especially love it as I contemplate our new life soon-to-be in California. I know it rains there sometimes. I also know one of the joys of life “out there” will be the sunny weather, the cheery weather, the kind of weather that makes you smile and feel guilty for wanting to crawl under the covers and relax for a day, the kind of weather that calls to you “Come out, come out wherever you are! Come out and play!”
So, as for now, I am curled up on an comfy chair, watching the world through my windowpane. I am enjoying the inclement weather, the rain just passing through, the rain that reminds me how powerful it is to be born anew.
I am continually amazed at how much nature teaches us that we can apply to our own lives. How many times have I wanted to let go of the past and begin again? Nature shows me all you have to do is well, uh, let go and begin again. Just do it! It can be as easy as inviting the skies to open up and let the rain (or tears) fall. It’s as simple as doing the work, then getting on with it.
Not only is it rainy season here in dear ol’ New Jersey, it’s also rainbow season. I have no doubt that after this rain has passed, the sun will break through again with May (a.k.a. Californian-like) cheer, and somewhere between the clouds and the sunbeams will come a rainbow like a gift almost hidden, like a miracle, like so many of the blessings that fill our lives.
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