As I sat and watched the skunk waddle across the back of our yard, I couldn’t help but take pause. It shuffled along with a confidence. It knew who it was and where it was going. It didn’t mind me watching. It had purpose.
I wasn’t particularly looking for inspiration in that moment. I was just loading the car with things, getting ready to soon follow behind with kids. In a moment, we would all be off for the morning routine. The sky was light just after sunrise, a crisp chill in the air.
Messages—they come without warning, most often unexpected. We ask a question and the universe answers, often in a way we would not have chosen for ourselves. Supply dries up, gifts land on our laps, skunks waddle by.
All of it is a mystery. When we think of ourselves as just a link in the chain, connected and equal with all else, the mystery gets really entertaining. We are suddenly in relationship with the wind, trees, creatures, other mothers loading cars—all of us waddling along on our way, amusingly interconnected—players in a carefully orchestrated happenstance.
Could the skunk have had a message, just for me? Could there be a reason I looked up just at that moment and she decided to pass on by? I like to think yes. The truth is, we will never really know. Even as we look back, perhaps thinking the perspective of time passed must somehow offer wisdom, if we’ve ever struggled to find answers—which I certainly have—at some point, we must have the humbling sense that there is much we are not meant to know.
When we consider that perhaps there is no big puzzle to solve, our job instead, becomes to not be surveyors but players, immersing ourselves in the cool breezes and mud puddles along the way--feeling elation or yuckiness in them, whatever it may be for us in the moment. We are freed to have fun with the small bits and skunk-like beings that dance momentarily before our eyes, only to be hidden once more. Like droplets of water in the great expanse of the sea, the landscape is ever changing and so are we.