Beginning Anew
It’s hard to believe it’s September. Already. Here we are smack-dab in the middle of the month and it’s just dawning on me that fall is upon us. Kids are back in school. New routines are not just starting, but in full swing.
I am relieved. The summer has been full, fun, busy, and boy, am I ready for routine again--routine and beginning again.
Maybe it’s all those years of being a student, but every fall, I feel a little quiver of excitement. Readiness. Enthusiasm. It’s like the hot humidity rolls away and the crisp air of autumn fills me with a new energy. Invigoration. Newness. Readiness to let go and begin again.
Maybe that’s the inspiration that fed my desire to teach a new class this fall on just that—using meditation to clear one’s own energy—inward and outward—and set into motion what is most ready to unfold. (Check out for more info.)
Sometimes I think we need to do that—mindfully partner with the design of the universe and let the winds of what’s working “out there” work in our own lives too.
As leaves prepare to die and fall from limbs of trees, I am preparing to let go of old blocks in my own universe, old habits, holding and hardness to make way for the softer new.
As there is movement in the air beckoning the heat of summer to soon fade away for another climate—a breath of crisp air--so too am I getting ready to expand my lungs and drink more fully in what life has to offer.
As the nights are growing longer, my inner light seems to be getting ready to burn brighter to shine the way. To shine the way to where, I’m not sure. But I feel the currents of change moving—not just “out there,” but through my very soul.
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